Welcome to our new website!
Dec. 7, 2022



"I want to learn more about people who are a success. I want to find patterns. And I'll tell you right now, after interviewing hundreds of people, I found that the main thing that pushes and motivates most of these people on my show who are so successful is grit, passion and perseverance."

"Simplicity, Audience and Connection."
Podcasting is just so much simpler. Podcasting could be hard for some people too, but it was such a big leap. It generally pushes a better type of I want an audience that's closely knit that understands me as a person. And I find podcasting is a great culture to bring that, you know, podcasting sort of is a home space. You know, that's why it's called the Jimbo Paris show. It's a province. And I get to bring people together into what I podcasting in a way brings a different type of audience that most other social media strategies don't incorporate. It's one of the best mediums to have a close knit. And then the third and final reason is that I simply enjoy. 

Interviewing is very engaging me, I get to learn about people, I get to learn about their passion, I get to understand, you know their perspective in life. And in a way I learned about myself, if I hadn't interviewed all those people, all the rules, I would be a completely different person than I am right now.

In order to find your own niche, you need to understand what you actually enjoy. And you need to pinpoint on something you enjoy and stick to a niche can always be too large, but it can never be too small. Don't ever think that if your niche is too small, it's not going to work. Because here's the thing you can expand out.

#TheJimboParisShow #Jimboparis #Podcast #selfimprovement #selfimprovementpodcast

The Jimbo Paris Show is an Affiliate and Collaborator Partner of Lifework Systems with Judy Ryan.


I am currently working on a Passion Project that I'm really excited about, but I need your help to bring it to life.
We will be LAUNCHING SOON our very own JIMBO PARIS ACADEMY with our goal of helping aspiring creators bring their concepts to devices.

Thank you for any support you can give. Every bit helps.
To express my gratefulness, I'll be sharing our very first course for FREE and a BONUS surprise will be given EXCLUSIVE for my Ko-fi supporters.
Let's make something amazing together!

Check out my Ko-fi page and buy me a coffee today! 🤗