“there's so much you can do if you can bring yourself to and understand that you just need to push through a certain amount of time, then you're much more likely to be successful at nothing.” – Robert Kennedy III …
“You have to be willing to put in the effort. Reflect on what you need to improve on what's going well, and continue to devote your time and resources.” – Jeevan Matharu Welcome to The Jimbo Paris Show #88 – …
“See how your life is going to change. And I promise you this, if you give God a space in a place in your life, he's not going to disappoint you. And if God can take mold, smelly old mold …
“Education is the way to change the world and people have to be knowledgeable to do the right thing. You believe in your best judgement, what is the right to do without expecting any specific return.” – Mohan Ananda Welcome …
“Life's too short. Whenever you're in a conflict like that, you really have three options. You can address the problem, have a conversation with the person that you're having conflict with, change the department you work, or ...
• “If you knew positively, that you could improve your health, just by changing your attitude, wouldn't you do it? Same thing applies your life, if you positively knew, and I'm telling you what was the fact, you positively kn...
“If you're inspired by this, just keep up the energy that you get from this interview. And just attack your your dreams and goals. And don't let anything get in the way. If something gets in the way, push to …
“Change it to a better attitude. You'll be more grateful, more successful happier, because happiness isn't just always about money or success. Success is being happy where you're at.” – Fred Kienle Welcome to The Jimbo Paris ...
“Boldness is taking that confidence, or sometimes even a lack of confidence, going into action, doing stuff, sometimes you may not know how it's going to turn out you, you know, you're risking failure, you're bold enough to s...
“You're designed to take things to the to the next level, embrace who you are, and live life, the very best that you can, every single day with no regrets..” – Mark Smith Mark V. Smith, who specializes in speaking …
“it's actually instead of just having incredible knowledge in one arena, and knowing absolutely nothing outside of that it's having deep interrelated knowledge in multiple areas.” - Joe Templin “People that come together, sha...
“We go through some really challenging time… But the most important is that we are able to hold on, keep doing the work because at some point, we're going to reach the top and we're going to open like a …
“We get to choose how we perceive the world, we have this constant simulation, and we can either look to the positive side of it, or the negative side of it, we can look at things as the glass is …
“Be in that vibration of being grateful when you want to attract whatever it is that you want to bring into your life.” – Tasha Chen “Your dreams and what you want to do in life, and what you want …
“It takes two people to make a relationship work, and neither one is more important than the other, it's a partnership, it's a team.” “If the two of you are willing to work on your relationship, then it's absolutely doable, …
“You may fall short at times, there may be times when you may not reach your goal. And that's okay. You know, we're all human. We all learn, we all we're all fallible, so it's okay, just know that you've …
“Instead of letting emotions take advantage of you, and you make then decisions you later regret, educate yourself and master your emotions as strategic tools.” -Dr. Ed Daube Welcome to The Jimbo Paris Show #75- The Emotions ...
“You have to have a dream; you have to have a vision and adjust accordingly.” -The 6 Figures University Welcome to The Jimbo Paris Show #74- Your Ticket to Real Estate Success (Kemyana Jones-Bey and Anne Johnson-Bey) Perfect ...
“The Science of Getting Rich says the use of the will use your will to think how you know you should think and act how you know you should act. And that's how you create success.” - Tasha Chen Welcome …
• “Keep moving forward. Because if you keep moving forward, something will have to work out in the end.” • “It's always possible to get through any type of roadblock or obstacle you have in your life, don't for a …
“For people who have it or for people who have a family member who have it, I want to tell you that it is possible to get through. There is HOPE” - Matthew Dickson Welcome to The Jimbo Paris Show …
“All of us can get better if we train and the same is true for charisma, as well as skills in my book like leadership, networking and negotiating.” -Mark Herschberg Welcome to The Jimbo Paris Show #71- Accelerate Your Career …
“Don't give up no matter how tough it gets. Because the next day could be this day, that the sun come up for you. So just keep going.” -Justin Reeves / JD The Author Welcome to The Jimbo Paris Show …
“Be proud of who you are. Don't change for anyone. Don't try to please people. Let people come to you, let the respect naturally come to you.” -Dark Joseph Ravine Welcome to The Jimbo Paris Show #69- Kindness and Positivity …